Category Travel

Los Angeles

Hey everyone! We got back yesterday (Sunday morning) 10am UK time (about 2am in the morning California time I think) and had to try and stay up until UK bedtime that night. We failed to do that and ended up falling asleep for a few hours haha oh dear. I’m hoping my body clock sorts itself […]

California Roadtrip

I’m very excited right now – “Why is that Tim” I hear you all cry with enthusiastic curiosity. Well everyone if you must know it’s mainly because I have a California road trip planned & booked for this year.. Woooooooooot! I’ve never been anywhere in the US before but I’ve wanted to go for ages […]

Jurassic coast – Dorset

So July 2013, Westbay in Dorset it was a scorching weekend. We both came here having never seen or heard of the BBC series Broadchurch but since writing this post we’ve watched the series while both excitedly pointing & shouting at the TV “We’ve been to that ice cream shop” or “I remember that place”. Yeah […]